Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Benzoyl Peroxide prescription cream drying white?

Okay so i just got benzoyl peroxide prescription 5% cream and a retin-a tube from my doctors. so he said to put benzoyl peroxide on in the morning and retin-a at night. BUT THE BENZOYL PEROXIDE DRIES WHITE?!?! i tried rubing it in . and it just still leaves this chalky white residue and it makes my skin feel really tight and dry. is that supposed to happen? retin-a doesnt happen like that it%26#039;s like this yellow clearish gel formula and it just rubs right into my skin. so i dont understnad why my doctor would tell me to use benzoyl peroxide in the morning?? what do i do? and also if i use an oil free non comedogenic moisturizer right after the benzoyl peroxide is that ok?|||yeh...some creams do that while others dont...i was freeked out oin the beginin too!!|||yeah. that%26#039;s probably due to the BP being in cream form rather than gel. when i used to have acne in high school, i always bought the gel, so it didnt get like that.

another solution is that you%26#039;re not rubbing it in or spreading it thinly across your face. but anyways, at least some white residue is normal.

you need to moisturize your face afterwards. that%26#039;s why your face is so tight and dry. its supposed to do this. but u need to counter it with an oil-free moisterizer. go buy some. Olay makes a good one. so does Cetaphil. after you do the BP wait 5 min for it to soak in, then put the moisterizer all over your face and rub it in gently. this also makes the white residue disappear.

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