Monday, December 21, 2009

Ugh I hate Acne!! I've got the prescription pills and creams....and still i have breakouts!!!!?

So around this time last year i went to the dermatologist for my acne and he prescribed me minocycline pill as well as Duac Topical Gel, and Differin cream

It took a while but my face eventually cleared up, with the occasional minor outbreak, but it was a lot better than what it was. Then after a few months, he told me i could quit taking the pills and it%26#039;s been months since then. However, recently like the last month or two, my face has been a mess AGAIN!!! and i HATE IT!!! I still use the creams exactly like i%26#039;m supposed to and everything, but still i%26#039;m breaking out!! is it some how possible that my skin got immune to the medication, causing it to no longer work?? i really don%26#039;t know what to do, any one else had a similar problem??

thank you :)|||It might not just be your skin having a certain disorder, but your skin might also be dehydrated, you need to drink plenty of water and get vitamin C , oranges, limes, grapefruit, I don麓t know if that works for you.|||Has your doctor tried you on Accutane (generic Clarivis)? I know several people that have had tremendous success with it. And another good point -the generic is only $4.00 at Wal-Mart.

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