Saturday, December 12, 2009

Psoriasis Question about the best creams?


I have had psoriasis for years (more than i like to remember) but lately it seems to have gone a bit mad. I have lots if singular ones come up over my legs and arms. I have tried all sorts of creams over the years but nothing seems to help. I was looking on ebay for just a cream to soften them. I%26#039;ve given up trying to cure it but as summer is on its way i would like to at least make them softer.

Many Thanks Ann|||Often old fashioned Vaseline is the best thing to soften plaque psoriasis. I assume you have tried Dovonex and it has either failed or just stopped working. It is quite important not to get your skin %26#039;hooked%26#039; on steroid creams or Dovobet, as this can produce both long term damage and %26#039;rebound%26#039; flare up.

You can always turn to good old fashioned tar or dithranol. The problem is there aren%26#039;t many old fashioned doctors left who are good at manipulating these older preparations, and they do have to used with skill and care.

Dithranol can only be used if the skin is not inflamed and the psoriasis is fairly quiescent. You need to start with very low percentage cream and go for short contact initially. I usually start at 30 minutes/day.

Tar is used in a similar way. These days pharmacists unfortunately no longer mix it up themselves. It thus takes a few days to get each batch made up and delivered to your local chemist. I usually ask for 1/2% CCT in diprobase as it is easier to apply. This is left on overnight and then showered off with the help of olive oil. Assuming that this does not burn the skin, I increase to 1% after about 2 weeks and so on.

If you are starting on one of these regimes it is a good idea to purchase a prescription pre-payment certificate to reduce your costs, you can then even get the olive oil on prescription!|||A detox diet can help with psoriasis, but you would need to start right now, and stick with it for 3 weeks at least.|||Sea water clears mine up - bit too cold at moment.|||Hi Anne,Know how you feel I have the same problem and like you say summer is the worst time. It seems to come and go with a mind of its own. At present I use a combination coal tar and a cream called Dovonex(Calcipotriol) It controls it but like you say doesn%26#039;t cure. Cream is better than ointment as they can stain clothes. But the best is to just get out there and enjoy. Anyway best of luck and stop picking. (;o)|||HI!! Annie. Help is here for you at last. I had a patch of it on my left leg when i was 19 and still had it two years ago. Then i saw an add for the Body Shop,and it looked convincing.

HEMP BODY BUTTER, for extra dry skin.

The ointment is green.and the tin,200ml (192G) cost 拢10.

I applied only a small amount twice daily [ enough to cover a 20p coin] and it is now cured. I am now yrs 87old .

To think i carried that for 60 years. What a relief

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