Saturday, December 12, 2009

UK.what cream is best for psoriasis?

i dont mind if its over the counter, from the GP or if its home made from nasty stuff, im desperate as its cracking. iv had lots of stuff from the DR but nothing works. WHAT WORKS FOR YOU? please help|||Aloe Vera is supposed to be very good,this is one is very good: Natural Life%26#039;s ew organic aloe vera gel 拢3.99 (50ml),their number for ordering is in the 1st link.

Also take a fish oil supplement which works from the inside, 7 Sea cod liver is a good one.

(Please see links for more info)

PS%26gt; this is a wonderful site for advice about diet,supplements, alternative,natural remedies etc;please type in psoriasis in search %26amp; it%26#039;ll give you a list of results(not all are relevant so pick the ones you think are relevant! ESPECIALLY AT THE END ON THE Q %26amp;A SECTION)|||try redbush teabags from morrisons drink the tea it tastes foul then use the teabags for rinsing your skin it really does work i do it all the time

on their website they also sell soap bit expensive but lasts ages and works well too i think it is|||mixing vaseline with e45 cream and lathering it on a few times a day..thats quite good.and it stops the itching too|||Exorex lotion from the pharmacist worked for me.

It has cleared my psoriasis.

It%26#039;s about 拢15 over the counter, if you have a good GP you might get it on prescription.|||Hydrocortisone to treat it.

An emollient to prevent it, such as doublebase cream and oilatum shower gel.

Speak to your GP, they will prescribe you a bucket load to keep you going and will review you to make sure it is working for you.|||About 10 years ago I discovered Corium in Las Vegas, every time anyone I knew was going over there I would ask them to bring me back a years supply, gradually my friend and family started using it for various skin problems, and now none of us are ever without it, my son even uses it as an after shave cream, I%26#039;m glad to tell you this has just become availabe in the UK, go to and look it up, trust me it works for all sorts of skin problems|||It is a nightmare. i have problems and altho creams help it pays to go to your GP and seek there advice. I found Nizoral cream and shampoo work well but all skin types are different so what works for me may not work for you|||Dunno about psoriasis specifically but E45 over the counter is great for my eczema and for dry skin conditions in general.|||I do feel for you, my son has it badly in his hair and i have also tried all the over the counter remedies and prescriptions from my gp, nothing seems to make it any better, a couple of years ago it covered his whole body and then just seemed to slowly dissapear, let me know if you find anything that actually works.|||My Doctor suggested the same creams you use to treat Athletes foot. That worked.

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