Saturday, December 12, 2009

Doctor gave me topical cream for my Psoriases, how do I get rid of it all together?

Sadly you can%26#039;t. Psoriasis is usually genetic and it is something that your skin will always do. The best to hope for is a remission of sorts, it can go away for years. Always take good care of all of your skin because the psoriasis has the potential to break out anywhere on a susceptible person.

Good luck,|||You can never fully be cured of it cuz its an immune system problem as weird as that sounds.|||Unfortunatly once you have psorosis you have it for life. There is really no way of getting rid of it permantly. You can try different topical creams and hopefully you can find one that will keep it under some sort of control. If it gets extremely bad you can find a doctor willing to give out pills. There is one pill soratine that will get rid of the psorosis but it has so many side effects that I sometimes wonder if it%26#039;s worth it. It will control the psorosis but will not clear it up, you would have to be on it forever for it to keep you completely clear. So, the next step is either some kind of UV rays that are fairly common, or if you can find it someone who uses laser to get rid of the psorosis, which is the best way to go.|||l wish to introduce myself l manage a site called

%26quot;Psoriasis Is Avoidable%26quot; l had plague psoriasis to 60% of body and

psoriatic arthritis for many years.

l just wish to share with you the latest research that has taken over

decade to understand and to complete. You do not need to join, you are

welcome to access any info and use whatever that you want. It%26#039;s free,

no miracle creams, no miracle gimmicks, no miracle drugs. In fact l

have nothing to sell full stop.

l always encourage all to do their own research and you can with the

information l am about to share. Like many of you l consulted several

orthodox medical practitioners as well as naturopaths and

chiropracters to little avail. After curing myself by understanding

the causative factors and simply changing my diet. The word spread

locally, seeing the changes in others validated time and time again l

initiated the MSN site %26quot;Psoriasis Is Avoided%26quot; to spread the word.

Again all this information can be researched and is based on facts

that can%26#039;t be disputed much to the disgust from the big pharma....


Acrylamide calcium protease/ Psoriasis

Psoriasis Is definitely an Autoimmune system failure, your body is

telling you that%26#039;s it simply cannot cope with what you are feeding it.

I doubt whether l will ever meet a psoriasis sufferer whom isn%26#039;t a

Coeliac (intolerant to gluten). But there can be many other reasons

why your immune system is not coping. There%26#039;s no mystery as to the

psoriasis itself Acrylamide (which is created when high temperatures

between the amino acid %26quot;asparagine%26quot; and the sugar glucose especially

in foods such as french fries, potato chips, bakery and cereal

products), does play a role in psoriasis as do the food addictives

(citrics). By eliminating these from your diet your psoriasis will

clear up. This has been validated time and time again.

By using a tissue plasminogen activator it is possible to analyse the

difference in normal and (psoriasis) pathological skin samples. The

difference is a high calcium medium is found in pathological skin

samples, in normal skin samples very little calcium is found in


This indeed makes sense as the most common sites of psoriasis

especially plague psoriasis (the most common form of psoriasis) are of

local trauma sites

This is also known as the %26quot;Koebner phenomenon


Natural whole foods have a package of nutrients and many beneficial

factors that are not found in supplements. You won%26#039;t find the

essential elements in calcium ascorbate (VC) as you would in a real

orange. An orange contains Vitamin C. with carotene, calcium, folate

and fibre. There are other reasons for getting our nutrients from

foods than supplements. There is no evidence that taking supplements

can give you the same protection. Vitamin supplements to be avoided,

especially Ascorbic Acid-Vitamin C (Food Additive Code 300) and

Calcium Ascorbate (Food Additive Code E302).

Natural foods give you components that increase nutrient absorption in

the body.

Supplements can reduce absorption of other nutrients

What many people don%26#039;t realise is the nature of acrylamide is to bind

and is responsible for the formation of Psoriasis.

Wish to learn more try鈥?/a>

Academics try /acrylamide calcium protease psoriasis

Your Psoriasis Itch and Rash, Psoriatic Arthritis, will stop once you

Understand what the causes are. Simply by learning to eat healthy.

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