Saturday, December 12, 2009

My Psoriasis is bad at the moment, I've got creams from the doctors but any ideas on any natural cures etc ?

Any good websites with products etc ?|||I have a great spray that I have found, once my wife gets back I will post the web site for you. - that website is|||last year i was on extreme level and i used to cry out because of my Psoriasis. i used a lot of expensive medicines from many doctors but at the end of the day i got cured from natural way which i like to share with you so that it could be helpful for you.

i took neem leaves ( ), at night before sleeping i just put them in a jar of water and at morning i just took the leaves out of that water and drink it out. its quite difficult to drink it out. i did this thing after two days for whole two months and now after 14 months there is no sign of psoriasis on my whole body.

contact me i will lead you further in its preperation.|||i used to suffer really badly with psoriasis and had all the creams and potions you could thing of from the doctors and hospitals. just by an off chance i went into my local chinese herbal shop and explained the problem they reckonmended a cream and a shampoo/shower gel which is all natural it only contains flower extracts and since using i havent had a major episode in nearly two years. sure i get the odd flare up but nothing to get upset over. i cant tell you what the items are called as its all written in chinese, but i highly suggest you check out your nearest chinese herbal stockist|||My kids and I all have eczema. We haven%26#039;t found any over the counter cures that work for an outbreak, but after the prescription gets rid of the outbreak we can use regular products to keep the incidence down. Psoriasis is like eczema in that it is a auto-immune disorder. You need to make sure to keep chemicals out of your home and off your skin. If you use chemicals to clean, which I don%26#039;t recommend, you should always wear gloves. Use a glycerin and water based soap that won%26#039;t over dry your skin. I use Cetaphil but I have heard that there are several brands of good lotions that will be great for sensitive skin. Make sure to go to your dermatologist and get some recommendations for products (they%26#039;ll often give samples so you can test which you like best as well as offering coupons). And the dermatologist can give you a list of products that you should avoid on your skin, like menthol or neomycin. For household cleaning products that are toxin-free, go to

I hope you get better quickly.|||I use sea salt . It is said that the salt from the dead sea is especially effective,however I have been using sea salt bought at my local supermarket (Mediterranean sea salt) and it is just as good at a fraction of the price. All you do is pour say 500g-750g into a warm not hot bath and soak for about a half hour.|||Go to There is a treatment available with guppy fish. basically you bathe with them for 2 weeks, and they suck of the dead skin. the results are amazing. They have used this treatment in turkey for years for psoriasis. I have it on my arms and personally i use Dithranol cream in a high % and it does work|||Hello there. I suggest that you should look into They offer herbal ointment and spray combination for psoriasis and they work very well for my plaque psor. My patches cleared in just a couple of weeks and I haven%26#039;t had a flare up in more than a year now. Try it: it comes with money back guarantee,too.

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