Saturday, December 12, 2009

What over the counter creams are best for psoriasis.?

Here is how they treat it in Japan in a Hospital鈥?/a>

You can get the water in the United States, and many other places in the world.

Good Luck!|||over the counter products that contain zinc, hydrocortisone and vitamin D all work well on psoriasis. this is the only time you will ever hear this from me but sun exposure will clear better than any creams if you in a cold climate (like i am) try a tanning bed for a few minutes daily. cover unaffected skin or apply sunscreen to %26quot;good skin%26quot; 1st dont want to add skin cancer to your other problems|||The best treatment that works for my psoriasis is herbal remedies from, it%26#039;s natural, no steroids. I used ointment and spray to clear the skin and now just take anti-psoriasis extract to prevent flare-ups.

My skin is clean for more than 9 mo now.|||I don%26#039;t know of any creams, but here are some sources that suggest that gluten free diets may help clear up psoriasis. Take a look at them. Many people find relief after making dietary changes.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>|||I do not think the counter creams will help you. Consult a dermatologist. I also suggest a good homeopathic doctor to consult.

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